Whats the Excellence Arts & Media Academy?

Excellence Arts & Media Academy (EAMA) was founded in 2011 by Jacob Henderson. Currently the EAMA is a full production company located in St.Louis Missouri. Producing theatrical presentations,short films and musical concerts for all aspiring artist. "Visionary Journal" is a new division the EAMA.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Latest On Paris Jackson Suicide Attempt

According to Billboard these are the latest developments on Paris Jackson suicide attempt

Paris Jackson is recovering in a Los Angeles-area hospital after an alleged suicide attempt early Wednesday. Below find five of the latest developments in the story surrounding the hospitalization of Michael Jackson's 15-year-old daughter.
1. Dr. Conrad Murray recorded a message for Paris.
The doctor currently serving a four-year sentence for giving Michael Jackson a fatal dose of sedatives in 2009 is letting Paris know he’s there for her. The doctor recorded a personal message for Paris obtained and published by TMZ.
 “I don’t know if there is anything I can do to salve your pain or help you with your problem, but I wanted you to know that I am here for you,” Murray said in a message recorded from Men's Central Jail in downtown Los Angeles. “I always will be available to listen to you, answer your questions or to share with you the plethora of beautiful and savored untold stories of your father as well as his venerable points of view that he shared with me.”
He went on to say her father loved her very much.
“I too love you as a precious father loves his own child, and I always will,” Murray said.
2. The producer of Paris’ film debut sticks with her.
Paris has expressed an interest in acting, and is signed on to star in Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys, an adaptation of a young-adult fantasy novel. The book’s author – also among the film’s producers – says Paris’ involvement is unchanged.
“It’s the first signs of trouble, and we don’t want to be the kinds of producers that say, ‘OK, you’re out.’ We want to back her,” Dennis Christen told The Daily Beast. “She is right now our girl.”
3. Audio from the 911 call is made public.
Audio from the 911 call asking for assistance to be sent to Jackson’s Calabasas home says an unidentified 15-year-old female overdosed on 20 Motrin pills and “cut her arm with a kitchen knife.”
4. Paris called a suicide hotline.
Though police have classified the incident as a “suicide attempt,” TMZ reports officials don’t believe Paris wanted to end her life. Police sources cite Paris’ call to a suicide hotline as evidence "she wanted to be saved." The source continued: "It makes no sense if you really want to die to call a hotline, where the person on the other end will get an ambulance over to your house."
5. Prince Jackson cancels a game show appearance.
Paris’ 16-year-old brother, Prince, was going to fill in for Paris on the German series Wanna Bet? (Wetten, dass...?) but decided to pass.
"Under these circumstances, we perfectly understand that Prince Michael prefers to stay close to his family. We wish Paris the strength and the power to recover soon," said Silke Blömer, a representative for the German TV network ZDF, in a statement to People magazine

The Jackson have always had their demons but nothing quite this bad. Paris might be suffering from many mental illness who knows? Her father death alone I'm sure was very traumatizing. We are praying for you Paris!

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