Whats the Excellence Arts & Media Academy?

Excellence Arts & Media Academy (EAMA) was founded in 2011 by Jacob Henderson. Currently the EAMA is a full production company located in St.Louis Missouri. Producing theatrical presentations,short films and musical concerts for all aspiring artist. "Visionary Journal" is a new division the EAMA.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


By: Jacob Henderson - Editor-In-Chief

This past Tuesday First Lady Michelle Obama was at a fundraiser in a private home in Washington.

Peter Wallsten reported in the Washington Post, "Obama was addressing a Democratic Party fundraiser in a private Kalorama home in Northwest Washington when Ellen Sturtz, 56, a lesbian activist, interrupted her remarks to demand that President Obama sign an anti-discrimination executive order.

"Obama showed her displeasure -- pausing to confront Sturtz eye to eye, according to witnesses.

" 'One of the things that I don’t do well is this,' she said to applause from most of the guests, according to a White House transcript. 'Do you understand?'

"A pool report from a reporter in the room said Obama 'left the lectern and moved over to the protester.' The pool report quoted Obama as saying: 'Listen to me or you can take the mic, but I'm leaving. You all decide. You have one choice.'

"Obama's suggestion that she would leave was not included in the official White House transcript.

"The audience responded by asking Obama to remain, according to the pool report, which quoted a woman nearby telling Sturtz, 'You need to go.'

"Sturtz was escorted out of the room. She said in an interview later she was stunned by Obama's response.

" 'She came right down in my face,' Sturtz said. 'I was taken aback.' . . . "

Sturtz said she paid $500 to attend the fundraiser and gave $5,000 to the Democratic Party and Obama's campaign in 2008, Wallsten added.

Now many on the left  have applauded Mrs.Obama's spunk while others on the right feel that Mrs.Obama was out of line. I must admit that Mrs.Obama isn't someone I would want to piss off but I do think she was wrong She is the First Lady of the United States and as much as we hate to say but she is a black woman. Black woman are always being portrayed as "difficult" or "ghetto". When you are the first African American First Lady you can't give anyone the  opportunity to question your temperament under pressure.  

Mrs.Obama should have ignored Mrs. Sturtz and proceeded with her speech. Mrs.Obama has been speaking publicly for a long time now and should know by now how to handle ignorance. Mrs.Obama is smart and elegant but I don't think she will look back and remember this a flattering moment. The fact that her name is in the news at all takes away from the focus on the conversation which should be the economy and job growth. What do you think?  Was Mrs.Obama out of line?

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