Whats the Excellence Arts & Media Academy?

Excellence Arts & Media Academy (EAMA) was founded in 2011 by Jacob Henderson. Currently the EAMA is a full production company located in St.Louis Missouri. Producing theatrical presentations,short films and musical concerts for all aspiring artist. "Visionary Journal" is a new division the EAMA.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Could Syria be the next Iraq War? -Jake's Sunday Morning Politics Fix

By: Jacob Henderson
Photo By: www.telegraph.co.uk 

In the past week we have learned many new developments of the civil war that is taking place in Syria.  The New York Times is reporting that "Ratcheting up the pressure on President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, the United States will keep American warplanes and antimissile batteries in Jordan, officials said Saturday."   The decision, which came at the request of Jordan, means that a detachment of American F-16 warplanes and Patriot missile-defense systems would remain in Jordan after a military exercise there concludes next week. The move followed President Obama’s decision last week to send arms to Syrian rebels and came as efforts were being made on multiple fronts on Saturday to increase the pressure on the government." 
So my question is this:  If America committing war crimes against Syria? This past week Senator John McCain called for a "no fly-zone" into Syria, is this even necessary?  We have President Obama sending aid to rebels, their are so many questions that the American people want to know? Last week we already start hearing rumbles from Republicans to invade Syria and take a more direct approach to the situation.  This would be a catastrophic mess if America was to take part in a war in Syria. What would that do to our relationships with Russia?  Again so many questions. President Obama needs to find a balance, America can't afford to take place in another war. We need to keep our attention to domestic policy and send Syrian rebels humanitarian aid. Sending weapons to the rebels is costing the American people millions of tax dollars that we don't have. What the hell is going on in Washington?


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