Whats the Excellence Arts & Media Academy?

Excellence Arts & Media Academy (EAMA) was founded in 2011 by Jacob Henderson. Currently the EAMA is a full production company located in St.Louis Missouri. Producing theatrical presentations,short films and musical concerts for all aspiring artist. "Visionary Journal" is a new division the EAMA.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


While writing current my show A Sensation In St.Louis ,I decided to take my Playwright hat off and put on my Political Contributor hat back on and it felt good. Its been so long, but I had to write a blog on this shutdown. Since Obama has taken office I have decided to pursue opportunities. From 2006-2008 I lived, breath and eat politics but I had to let it go. Washington had become a ugly place and I wanted no part of it. First the Tea Party and then the racial tensions against President Obama, it was all too much for me to handle. To see people openly disrespect President Obama , I could no long cover and write about something that was so negative. So I checked out. BUT I'M BACK! Today the American Government has hit crack-rock bottom.  
        The New York Times reports " A flurry of last-minute moves by the House, Senate and White House late Monday failed to break a bitter budget standoff over President Obama’s health care law, setting in motion the first government shutdown in nearly two decades."  The Washington Post reports "Hours before a midnight deadline, the Republican House passed its third proposal in two weeks to fund the government for a matter of weeks. Like the previous plans, the new one sought to undermine the Affordable Care Act, this time by delaying enforcement of the “individual mandate,” a cornerstone of the law that requires all Americans to obtain health insurance.The new measure also sought to strip lawmakers and their aides of long-standing government health benefits. The Democratic-led Senate quickly rejected that plan on a party-line vote. Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) urged House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) to abandon the assault on the health-care law and pass a simple bill to keep the government open. Otherwise, Reid warned, “the responsibility for this Republican government shutdown will rest squarely on his shoulders.”
     The Republican's  care less about what the American people think about them. All they care about is getting "ObamaCare" repelled. They are willing to use any tactic to accomplish dismantling Obama's agenda of change and progression. When I first heard of the Affordable Care Act I wasn't thrilled like many Americas but once I started reading about it and going through the website I love it. My biggest criticism of President Obama is that he didn't explain to the American the particulars of the Act. Once people start to see the benefits of the Affordable Care Act they will love it and then appreciate that someone thought about those who are uninsured or had pre-existing conditions.  
     Speaker Boehner has picked a fight with the American people now. The American people are tired of being lied to, manipulated and controlled by idiots in Washington.  We want our government working and we want it NOW! Call Speaker Boehner office and tell him to open our damn Government.These Tea Party Congressman and John Boehner will pay for their actions in the 2014 Mid-Terms but that's another conversation. 



To find out more information about the Affordable Care Act go to www.Heathcare.gov
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Jacob Henderson 
Founder & Editor-In-Chief of Visionary Jornel